Zentek Ltd. (CVE:ZEN – Get Free Report) shares passed below its two hundred day moving average during trading on Monday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of C$1.31 and traded as low as C$0.99. Zentek shares last traded at C$1.10, with a volume of 61,541 shares trading hands.
Zentek Stock Performance
The company has a quick ratio of 7.59, a current ratio of 2.20 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 5.91. The stock has a market cap of C$112.37 million, a P/E ratio of -9.00 and a beta of 0.77. The business has a 50 day moving average price of C$1.06 and a 200 day moving average price of C$1.30.
Zentek (CVE:ZEN – Get Free Report) last posted its earnings results on Monday, August 12th. The mining company reported C($0.03) earnings per share for the quarter. The business had revenue of C$0.01 million during the quarter. As a group, sell-side analysts expect that Zentek Ltd. will post -0.1 EPS for the current year.
About Zentek
Zentek Ltd., together with its subsidiaries, engages in the research and development of graphene and related nanomaterials in Canada. The company develops graphene-based antimicrobial coating under the ZenGUARD brand, surgical masks, HVAC filters, personal protective equipment, rapid detection point of care diagnostics tests, and pharmaceutical products based on graphene-based compounds.
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